Sunday, April 10, 2011

This should be my wellness blog instead

my arm is very itchy. it's very aggravated today and it gets itchier at night
very annoyed.

I find it very ironic how my life is repeating past events.
how i feel, what i'm going through, my skin problems.

back to me whining about my skin issues,
i am really very annoyed.
I've had eczema, rashes, allergies, insect bites, chicken poxes and even fungus on my skin before.
And now, history's repeating -___- ughh

What's weird for the current attack is that you can't see the allergies/fungus. You can only feel it.
Only after you put the medicine can you see red the red spots.

Reminded me of something -
Just because you can't see things, doesn't mean it isn't there.
Doesn't mean that it doesn't hurts, doesn't bring you down.
It just makes things harder for the affected person. Harder to pinpoint the problem, to do something about it.
Also, it makes it harder for others to notice and help along.

And then, when you've already pinpointed and started curing the problem,
initials stings and results affect us the most.
it gets better. the condition will usually get better. we will be better,
things will be better.
It will be alright, then.
So till then, i guess all we gotta do is hang on and cling to hope (or anything to distract our mind from wandering into negative abyss) .

no matter how annoying it might be and will be,
I guess things will be better sooner or later.

c'est la vie.

p/s: written under influence of drug (that is not powerful enough to knock me to sleep and overcome itchiness)

Monday, February 21, 2011

another kind of ache

This is another kind of hurt,
a different kind of ache -

the urge (ache) to be accepted.
the opportunity to run away from the urge, need, want, desire.. and the necessity of acceptance.

Sunday, January 23, 2011


I think I just figured out why I've been shopping (and want to shop) so much last year-
it's because when I shop (or have shopping on my mind), it keeps my mind occupied; it keeps my depression at bay.

life, why are you so hard?
you make an almost mature young adult drown in their own thoughts and fears.

but then, if life was easy, would it still be considered as 'life'?

parts and parcel you say? c'est la vie?

screw you, i need more money to shop more.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

blab blab

The purpose of this post is, i miss blogging ._________.
I see all those people who blog about competitions, events, competitions at events, etc etc etc.. and I think to myself, 'damn, I'd like to be one of them D:'

Sadly, I'm not a known blogger and all :(

... Anyways!
I also wanted to say that I'm itching for a new ink! But I'm stuck on what I want and the design :/
I wanted a white 'Fearless' tatooed on my left middle finger, but after looking at pics and talking to people, I think it'd be abit off :x

What to do, what to dooo..

On a side note, Acai Berry is good, it makes you poop better. Honey+apple vinegar is awsm too!
Oh, konnonya both have anti-aging properties. lol.
Yes, I am trying hard to turn natural and healthy in order to loose the extra weight I've put on.

Therefore, I shall end this post with this -
I Hate Cellulite (especially on thighs).

Good night all!