Tuesday, June 22, 2010

i am a blogger, at heart

God knows how many blogs i have, had and deserted. haha
Mrs Google, u damn wtf la, how you find that one wtf. SHHHHH

But hey, it is undeniable that
i am a blogger, at heart.

So here you are, another one to my collection.
Hopefully one that is more serious and contains less of my roller-coaster emotions.
Hopefully la hor. haha

I've been doing too much assignment in these past few months and I have learnt that everything has main point/topic sentence/aim/stand/blablabla..

So, i hope to make your life more interesting with this blog la kay lolwtf

nooooo, i did not start a new blog because i'm envious of free movie passes and blog competitions xD

p/s 2:
THANKS DILA for helping me with Advertlets haha. yala i noob la LOL

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