Wednesday, June 30, 2010


i'll do whatever it takes to have things go my way,
even if it kills me.
just because it means that much to me to feel satisfied.

Monday, June 28, 2010

27062010 marathon

half way there, half way there, half way thereee... owh, i'm.. there..?

Expect the worst so when you hit the target, you'd be surprised, but very pleased.
(yes, I do set low expectations for myself la, for certain matters la i mean haha)


5km in 42minutes.

I am quite pleased so stfu :)
and with only one good eye ok! HAHA

The body's beginning to feel the muscle strains but,
it's a good pain; one that came from achieving something.

i think SC kinda sucked at organizing it, crowd control at baggage counter was fail.

p/s: ulcers suck so bad. A vaccination should be invented for them :/

Sunday, June 27, 2010


Help, I have done it again
I have been here many times before
Hurt myself again today
And, the worst part is there's no-one else to blame
Be my
Hold me (Breathe Me)

Is a nice song, haunting at times. Now if only i have the potential to pull this song off as good as Sia.

And through it all,
she offers me protection, a lot of love and affection, whether i'm right or wrong -

I'm loving angels instead. (Angels)

Tell me where to find them Robbie. lol

Love Hurts,

And that's the undeniable truth, whether we like it or not. but sometimes it's a good hurt.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010


those who know me well enough know that i drive very fast.
it is undeniable that i do, and that i like it. and that leads to road rage when snails get on the road.

So today, as usual, i was driving quite fast in the highway
but then had to slow down because cops were everywhere.
It threw my mood of abit; i felt the whole world around me was moving ever too slowly :/
But, i realised something.

even though i was not driving fast, i was still slowly driving past cars.

It reminded me that you don't need to rush while getting things done because
everything falls into place sooner or later.

True, it sucks that time can't move fast -
that things fall into place too slow (my point of view)
But it is also true, that certain things can't be rushed.
waiting for cookies to bake, waiting for wine to age, waiting for the right time to watch the sunrise/sunset or even, waiting for wounds to heal.

Fact is, as cliche as it sounds,
time heals all wounds.

Nothing has to be forced, to be sped.
, take time to hurt. take time to heal.
In the process of it, find yourself again.
It won't be easy, it might take a long time but
We're here for you, we want to be here for you ( you should know that :) )
At least, I'm always, and want to, be here for you ( KNOW that ).

p/s : I meant it when i say i was driving slow ok, 80km/hr lol

peas in a pod

3-4 months entitles you a post of your own.
you are that awesome. lol

we are so alike in certain matters, it's creepy huh.
same scar location, same car, our music tastes complement, we stalk,.
is your favorite color green? haha

i find it cool, i hope you're not freaked out.
i like the fact that you're one of the few people that i don't have to explain much about myself.
i don't fancy explaining myself, because i'm not so sure about myself also la

but then again, there are also differences la. like;
your skin is wayy awesome than mine HAHA,
your chinese too wtf.
you don't have a sweet tooth
you're way stronger than me.

I'll help keep you that way k smelly
because you are that dear, and awesome, to me :) (i hope i am to you too lol)

p/s: don't worry, i'm not going after you la k HAHA

Tuesday, June 22, 2010


lately, i've taken a liking towards my name.
even using the tagline 'come, let me give you my name, very special one' when working.

i really like the url name - estoile.
go look it up, haha. look up paramnesia too :)
Oh, and J is there because it is an awsm alphabet *cough

And pressed flowers are so pretty, don't you think so?
(And you don't have the fear and sadness of seeing pressed flowers wilt and die. haha)
(Yes, I know they're pressed because they've already wilted but hey, at least the anticipation/fear of it happening is gone)

i am a blogger, at heart

God knows how many blogs i have, had and deserted. haha
Mrs Google, u damn wtf la, how you find that one wtf. SHHHHH

But hey, it is undeniable that
i am a blogger, at heart.

So here you are, another one to my collection.
Hopefully one that is more serious and contains less of my roller-coaster emotions.
Hopefully la hor. haha

I've been doing too much assignment in these past few months and I have learnt that everything has main point/topic sentence/aim/stand/blablabla..

So, i hope to make your life more interesting with this blog la kay lolwtf

nooooo, i did not start a new blog because i'm envious of free movie passes and blog competitions xD

p/s 2:
THANKS DILA for helping me with Advertlets haha. yala i noob la LOL