Wednesday, August 11, 2010

work and leisure

So you're this awesome surgeon that has magic healing hands.
One very busy day (as usual), a freak incident happens.
No, this is not Gray's Anatomy so nobody got stabbed by a tree (yes, a tree).
The freak incident is that you have to make a decision to either operate the motherbitch wife of your brother (that you love so much because he buys you booze), or, a random stranger.

who would you choose to operate?

I would operate the later.
It's never right to mix personal matters. What if you kill that motherbitch? What will the family think? (however, i believe that i am smart and capable enough to lie and say some medical jargons to divert my fault.)
Or worst still, as you were performing some precise cutting of the motherbitch's internal organs, you remember how she accused you of feeding chocolates to her dog... SNIP, oops, you've cut a hole in her lungs.
She somehow survives it but never lets go of your screw up, and makes sure that almost everybody in the family does the same.

see what i mean?
I stand firm on my belief that professionalism should stray from personalization.

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